UPDATED — Sep 11, 2024 11:59 pm PST Sri Radhastami ki jai!!
His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

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"My long desired scheme of a Krsna Conscious daily newspaper is being implemented. Please do this work very nicely. It will be a very great step in the history of ISKCON movement."
~ Srila Prabhupada, Letter to Satsvarupa 1971

"Here in this world there are thousands of newspapers and magazines reporting the stale, repetitious happenings of this limited space. So for reporting the news of the unlimited spiritual realm, concerning the eternal, ever-fresh Supreme Personality of Godhead, we could publish a newspaper at every second, what to speak of daily."
~ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

"According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in such a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. That is the definition of truth."
~ Bhagavad-Gita As It Is. Ch 10:4

"May cows stay in front of me; may cows stay behind me; may cows stay on both sides of me. May I always reside in the midst of cows."
(HBV 16.252)
In remembrance of Kurma Rupa dasa

Radha and Krsna
Dutch Bengal School, 20th c.

Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali


Sep 11, CANADA (SUN) — Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami - Special Prayers to Srimati Radharani, on this Her Appearance Day.

Special Prayers

damsair eva mrtam janam
bhesajair devi jivaya


O Radharani, the queen of Vrndavana, with the medicine of the red lac from Your lotus feet, please bring back to life this person now dead from the bites of the black snake of not seeing You.


Sri Sri Radhika Astottara-sata-nama Stotram


Sep 11, CANADA (SUN) — 108 Names of Srimati Radharani by Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami.

aviksatmesvari kascid vrndavana-mahesvarim tat padamboja-maka gati dasyati katara patita tat-saras tire ruda tyartha-ravakulam tac chri-vaktreksanavaptyai namanyetani sanjagau

Some maidservant, unable to find her mistress, has fallen on the bank of Radhakunda, crying in great anxiety, being very eager to take exclusive shelter of Her lotus feet, glorifying Her by singing the following names of Her:


Kratu Rishi


Sep 11, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

Kratu Rishi, another of the Saptarishis, is mentioned in Mahabharata as being a Prajapati in the Swayambhuva Manvantara. He is the desired son of Lord Brahma, having been born from Brahma's hand. Kratu Rishi was the progenitor of 60,000 sons, who were collectively known as Valakhilyas. These sons were born to Kratu and his wife Santhati (Sannati), the daughter of Prajapati Daksha. (Bhagavat Purana)


Pulastya Rishi


Sep 09, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

Pulastya Rishi is another of the Prajapati, or mind-born sons of Brahma, and is among the Saptarishis in the first Manvantara. He was the medium through which some of the Puranas were communicated to man. He received the Vishnu Purana from Lord Brahma and communicated it to Parashara, who delivered it to mankind.

All the Rakshasas are said to have come from Rishi Pulastya's line. Pulastya was married to one of Kardama muni's nine daughters, Havirbhoo. They had two sons - Maharshi Agastya and Visravas. Visravas and his wife Kekasi bore Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana. With his wife Ilavida, he had the son, Kubera.


Kirtimukha, Roaring Lion and Flying Vidyadharas
in Temple Art


Sep 09, CANADA (SUN) — By S.S. Pandey, Orissan Review.

The Head of Glory or kirtimukha, Roaring Lion or jagrata, and the Flying vidyadhara are profusely carved on the temple walls of the upper Mahanadi valley from the 9th century onwards, but the earliest of these motifs are found amidst the temple ruins at Mohangiri in the Kalahandi and Banei in Sundergarh districts. The kirtimukha motif of Mohangiri is akin to that found on the doorjamb of the Bharatesvara temple at Bhubanesvar, assigned to the 7th century. In this example, two lined threads instead of festoons of pearls come out of the mouth of the kirtimukha, forming the top portion of the caitya medallion.


Vasistha Rishi, Part 3


Sep 07, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

As the story continues of Rishi Vasistha's great feud with the sage Vishvamitra, after the untimely death of his sons at the hand of his nemesis, his life was renewed by the discovery that a grandson, Parashara, was to be born.

Despite his personal situation the Rishi, being of spotless character, performed many selfless deeds. Having freed Kalmashapada from the bonds of being a rakshasa, Vasistha's noble spirit became known even to Vishvamitra. And even though his own sons had been slain, Vasistha was willing to assist king Dileep, who was suffering a barren marriage.


The Appearance of Srimati Sita Thakurani


Sep 07, CANADA (SUN) — Srimati Sita Thakurani's Appearance day is observed on September 7th. From 'Lives of the Saints' by S. Rosen.

Shri Sita Thakurani is to be worshiped just as much as Sachidevi herself, as the mother of the universe. She is the eternal wife of Shri Advaita Acharya. She was the daughter of Shri Nrishinga Baduri. She was married to Shri Advaita Acharya in Phuliya Nagara.

After their wedding, Advaita Acharya went to Nadiya, to live in Shantipura. Sita Thakurani was always absorbed in vatsalya prema for Shri Gaurasundara Prabhu, and, out of parental concern used to instruct Jagannatha Mishra on how to care for the boy.


Sep 07, CANADA (SUN) — The Sun's weekly cartoon series.


Vasistha Rishi, Part 2


Sep 05, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

The great feud between Rishi Vasistha and the sage Vishvamitra is told in both the Adi parva of Mahabharata and in the Ramayana. In the latter, the story is narrated by Satananda, King Janaka's priest, on the occasion of Rama's wedding.

The account of these events deals with not only with the pastimes of the great Rishi Vasistha, but also with the kshatriya-turned sage, Vishvamitra. The two sages took opposing sides, which resulted in the ruinous War of the Ten Kings described in the Rig Veda.


Salve for the Eyes
of the Blind


Sep 05, CANADA (SUN) — Salve for the Eyes of the Blind (Andhera Cakse Anjana) by HDG Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Sajjana Tosani, Vol. 8, No. 12, 1897.

In the Bengali year 1252, that is, fifty years ago, a book called Kayastha Kaustubha was published. Fifty maha-maha-panditas, such as Haldhara Tarka-cudamani, a resident of Bhattapalli, offered dandavats to that book and confirmed the things written in there to be true. There is a chart in that book. In that it is written thus:

"The kings of the royal Sena Dynasty were mixed kayasthas. Sriman Satrughna Sena was an idolator. This king made his new capital on the island of Navadvipa. It was surrounded by the waters of Ganga Devi on all four sides. The king was a siddha (perfected being). By the potency (maya) of Ganga Devi, the city became the repository of all holy tirthas and the place of all knowledge. It is for this reason that it is known as Mayapura in the sastra. Mayapure mahesani varam ekam saci-sutah ('O Parvati, the Lord will appear in full, as the Son of Saci in Mayapura' - Urddhvamnaya Tantra)."


Vasistha Rishi


Sep 03, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

Today we look at another of the great sages in the category of the Saptarishis -- the Rishi Vasistha. Vasistha is among the Seven Great Sages in the current manvantara, or age of Manu. Sage Vasistha is often pictured with Kamadhenu and her child, Nandini, the Wish-fulfilling Cow. He is married to Arundhuti, and RgVeda (7:33) states that he is the son of MitraVaruṇa and Urvasi.

One of the nine Prajapatis, Vasistha is credited as being the chief author of Mandala 7 of the RgVeda. He and his family are glorified in RV 7.33, which glorifies their role in the Battle of the Ten Kings. He is thus the only mortal besides Bhava Rishi to have a Rigvedic hymn dedicated to him.


Bhrigu Rishi, Part 2


Aug 30, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

There are several narratives about Rishi Bhrigu and the great fire yagna carried out under his supervision. One describes how many great sages were gathered on the bank of the River Sarasvati to participate in a maha-yagya, with Maharishi Bhrigu present. All the great saints and sages could not decide Who, out of the Trimurti of Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, was pre-eminent and should be offered the designation of pradhanta (master) of that yagya. With the consent of all the gathered saints, it was decided that Maharishi Bhrigu would determine who was pre-eminent in this regard.


Bhrigu Rishi


Aug 28, CANADA (SUN) — A study of the famous Rishis and Munis of Vedic literature.

Maharishi Bhrigu is not only one of the seven great sages, or Saptarshis, he is principal among the Prajapatis. Like other Rishis previously discussed, Bhrigu is considered manasa-putra, a mind-born-son of Lord Brahma. In Bhagavad-gita 10.25 Lord Krsna states:

"Of the great sages I am Bhrgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himalayas."


Annada Ekadasi


Aug 28, CANADA (SUN) — Annada Ekadasi, observed on August 28th in Los Angeles and Mayapur, from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana.

Sri Yudhisthira Maharaja said, "Oh Janardana, protector of all living entities, please tell me the name of the Ekadasi that occurs during the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September)."

The Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna, then replied, "Oh King, hear me attentively. The name of this sin-removing, sacred Ekadasi is Aja. Any person who fasts completely on this day and worships Hrishikesha, the master of the senses, becomes free of all reactions to his sins. Even one who simply hears about this Ekadasi is freed from his past sins. Oh King, there is no better day than this in all the earthly and heavenly worlds. This is true without a doubt.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 402


Aug 28, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI. - Canto V. - Mount Arishta

"He looked upon the burning waste,
Then sought the queen in joyous haste,
With words of hope consoled her heart,
And made him ready to depart.
He scaled Arishṭa's glorious steep
Whose summits beetled o'er the deep.


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Toll Taking, Part 2


Sep 11, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

28. Overwhelmed with passion, Radha stared at Lord Giridhari. Her body became bathed with tears and perspiration. O my friend Sudati, She trembled, and only with great difficulty was able to keep the glistening pot of ghee from slipping out of Her lotus hand.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 408


Sep 11, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto II. - Sugríva's Speech

"He ceased: and King Sugríva tried
To calm his grief, and thus replied:
"'Be to thy nobler nature true,
Nor let despair thy soul subdue.
This cloud of causeless woe dispel,
For all as yet has prospered well,
And we have traced thy queen, and know
The dwelling of our Rákshas foe.


Prabhupada Padma-vakya


Sep 11,

Audio files with transcripts recorded on this day.

September 11, 1968, San Francisco

Bhagavad-gita 7.2
"Religious sentiment is good for persons who follow blindly. But at the present moment, people are advanced in so-called education. So Bhagavad-gita gives you full information so that you can accept God with your reason, with your argument, with your knowledge."

September 11, 1969, London, At Tittenhurst
Room Conversation With John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and George Harrison
"So I request you to, at least to understand this philosophy to your best knowledge. And if you think that is nice, you take up."

September 11, 1975, Vrndavana

Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.2.8
"In this age people are generally, seventy-five or eighty percent or ninety percent, they are all sinful."

September 11, 1976, Vrndavana

Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.12
"Those who are with poor fund of knowledge, they are taking directly this material nature as working. No. Material nature has no power to act. It is dull."

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

108 Krsna Pastimes -
Toll Taking


Sep 09, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

Today we begin another category of Sri Krsna's lilas – His demands for tolls, taxes and benefit of gifts. Krsna is often joined by the cowherd boys, bringing consternation to Radha and the gopis, and their retaliation follows. Among the many delightful pastimes of the Lord, these manifest lilas are nectar to the Vaisnavas. In his Sri Bhagavatamrta Kanika, Sri Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur describes the vast array of the Lord's transcendental pastimes:


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 407


Sep 09, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI - Canto I. - Ráma's Speech

"The son of Raghu heard, consoled,
The wondrous tale Hanumán told;
And, as his joyous hope grew high,
In friendly words he made reply:
"Behold a mighty task achieved,
Which never heart but his conceived.
Who else across the sea can spring,
Save Váyu and the Feathered King?


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Lilas of Disguise, Part 8


Sep 07, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

Today we present a most beautiful and illuminating narrative on Sri Krsna's pastimes of trickery. In the Prema-samputa of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur we find an elaborate exchange between the disguised Krsna and Radharana. Their rasa unfolds in the narrative between Krsna, costumed as a demigoddess, and Radha with her gopi friends.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 406


Sep 07, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI. - Canto XVI. - Ráma's Speech

"There ceased the Vánar: Ráma pressed
The treasured jewel to his breast,
And from his eyes the waters broke
As to the Vánar king he spoke:
"As o'er her babe the mother weeps,
This flood of tears the jewel steeps.


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Lilas of Disguise, Part 7


Sep 05, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

In Sri Vrindavana-Mahimamrita, the Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrindavana by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, we find several passages narrating the guises and disguises Sri Krsna employs to get the association of His beloved Radha.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 405


Sep 05, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI. - Canto XV. - The Tidings

"And Hanumán the brave and bold
His tidings to the monarch told;
But first in Ráma's hand he placed
The gem that Sítá's brow had graced:
"I crossed the sea: I searched a while
For Sítá in the giants' isle.


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Lilas of Disguise, Part 6


Sep 03, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

Today we hear a narration of the divine trickery Sri Krsna plays on Radha, taking the disguise of a poor mendicant in order to get Radha's offering of alms. This 'Kamoda-raga' is from the Padavali of Srila Govinda Das Thakur. Set in 62 Ragas, it was translated by Sriman Kusakratha dasa.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 404


Sep 03, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI. - Canto VIII. - The Feast Of Honey

"They rose in air: the region grew
Dark with their shadow as they flew.
Swift to a lovely grove they came
That rivalled heavenly Nandan's fame;
Where countless bees their honey stored,—
The pleasance of the Vánars' lord,
To every creature fenced and barred,
Which Dadhimukh was set to guard,
A noble Vánar, brave and bold,
Sugríva's uncle lofty-souled.


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Lilas of Disguise, Part 5


Aug 30, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

Today we offer the final narrative from Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur's Sri Camatkara Chandrika on the transcendental pranks of Sri Krsna. This pastime features Krsna finagling to get audience with Radha by dressing in the disguise of her so-called husband, Abhimanyu.


The Ramayana of Valmiki, Part 403


Aug 30, CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of 'The Epic Journey of Rama'.

Book VI. - Canto VI. - Hanumán's Return

"Still, like a winged mountain, he
Sprang forward through the airy sea,
And rushing through the ether drew
The clouds to follow as he flew,
Through the great host around him spread,
Grey, golden, dark, and white, and red.


108 Krsna Pastimes -
Lilas of Disguise, Part 4


Aug 28, CANADA (SUN) — Sri Krsna's divine pastimes.

Today we conclude the pastime of the snake-bite rescue of Radha by Krsna in disguise, from Srila Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur's Sri Camatkara Chandrika:

Vaidya Vese Milana – Meeting in the Disguise of a Female Doctor (continued)

"Vidyavali says, "Hey Bhagini! My dear older sister Gargi! You are indeed very learned, yet you now speak just like an ignorant person. Alas, alas!!! First of all, I am a pure chaste girl; secondly, being the daughter of a vipra, I have become a doctor specializing in treatment of poisons. No one on the surface of the earth is unaware of my glorious family lineage in Yadupura Mathura, or my famous in-laws' family lineage in Kasi. Still, you want to throw the mud of such scandalous, unchaste infamy all over my two pure dynasties. Whatever kind of loving action it is that you think you are doing----I am not able to understand that at all."


Lila Pastimes - Toll Taking
Kratu Rishi
Radhika Astottara-sata-nama
Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 408
Prabhupada Padma-vakya
Lila Pastimes - Toll Taking
Kirtimukha, Roaring Lion
Pulastya Rishi
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 407
Lilas of Disguise, Pt. 8
Appearance of Sita Thakurani
Vasistha Rishi, Part 3
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 406
Weekend Laffs
Lilas of Disguise, Pt. 7
Salve for Eyes of the Blind
Vasistha Rishi, Part 2
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 405
Lilas of Disguise, Pt. 6
Vasistha Rishi
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 404
Lilas of Disguise, Pt. 5
Bhrigu Rishi, Part 2
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 403
Lilas of Disguise, Pt. 4
Annada Ekadasi
Bhrigu Rishi
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 402
Sweetest Janmastami-lila
Sri Guru-vandana
Srila Prabhupada's Appearance
Jamdagni Rishi
The Ramayana of Valmiki, 401

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